The city council on Tuesday approved bids from Moises Badillo and Refugio G. Corrales to purchase two properties on a tax resale. Council members agreed that getting the two properties back on the tax rolls was beneficial to all taxing entities.
A contract with El Paso Water Utilities for the mining of caliche for $1,000 per year was quickly renewed before Council heard from Refugio Corrales, chief water operator, who asked that the 2013 Consumer Confidence report be accepted. Mr. Corrales also requested that Council approve distribution of the report as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
City administrator Fran Malafronte submitted a proposal to Council to consider revising the water fees currently paid by Mountain View golf course, which was approved unanimously.
Council then turned its attention to a recommendation from the Zoning Board for a variance request from Mario Balcazar, Jr. to change the zoning changed from R1-Residential 1 Family Home to R3-Residential Mobile Home.
There were no participants in the public hearing on the 2013 Water Confidence Report, and as such the report was accepted.