3/26/15, Thomas J. Burton, 26, Van Horn. Warrant. In custody.
3/28/15, Jerry Escobesto, 30, El Paso. Out of county warrant. Released on bond.
3/28/15, Ruben Florez, III, 26, Van Horn. Assault family violence, interfering with emergency response, injury to a child.
3/30/15, Joshua Ramirez Carrasco, 27, Odessa. Possession of marijuana under 2 ounces, out of county warrant. In custody as of press time.
3/30/15, Martin Blas Cortez, 33, Odessa. Out of county warrant. In custody as of press time.
3/31/15, Gilbert Alejandro Sanchez, 28, Dallas. Local warrant. In custody as of press time.