Municipal Judge Grace Dickenson presents Refugio “Cuco” Corrales with a plaque for his 30+ years of service to the Town of Van Horn. Pictured with Cuco are his sons JR and Joseph.
Photo by Edna Clark
By Edna Clark
The Town of Van Horn City Council met with all members present and Mayor Pro Tem Pam Young presiding
Retired employee, Refugio “Cuco” Corrales, was honored by Council and presented a beautiful crystal plaque by Municipal Judge Grace Dickenson. The plaque commemorated 30+ years of continual service to the Town of Van Horn and surrounding communities. In attendance to see their dad receive his plaque were proud sons, JR and Joseph.
Water Department operations reports presented showed progress with the sand mining plants located east of town off FM 2185 are making daily progress in operations. The South Well at the airport is nearing the end of repairs. As soon as water samples are submitted and cleared for consumption, water will once again be accessible from the South Well by citizens of Van Horn and Sierra Blanca. The Water Department is working on well motor boosters in the shop this month.
Mayor Pro Tem Pam Young read, and Council approved, the Proclamation in Recognition of Municipal Court Week scheduled for November 6–10, 2017. Municipal Court Judge Grace Dickenson received permission from Council to host a “Mock Trial” for area third and fourth graders during the Court Week where students will be able to participate in proceedings while learning court procedures.
Council failed to nominate a director to serve on the Culberson County Appraisal District beginning January 1, 2018 for a two-year term. As an option under Resolution NO: 17-10-009, Council deferred its nomination to other area elected boards to fill the slot.
A resolution, NO: 17-10-010, authorizing Mayor Pro Tem Pam Young as signatory for the TXCDBG Contract # 7721550, was approved by Council. This closes out the grant process by which the City was able to acquire the new fire truck with its equipment.
Council discussed providing community assistance to local infirm citizens, as needed.
Ms. Malafronte advised Council that the downtown parking area would soon be decorated with solar clear lights that will be replaced as needed.
Council asked The Van Horn Advocate to get the word out to local residents that the Lighted Christmas Parade activities are in danger of being cancelled due to lack of participation. According to Ms. Malafronte, less than a handful of floats participated in last year’s parade, with monetary prizes awarded to first, second, and third place entries. There has been conflicting school schedules and student athletes, band members, and their families have not been integral parts of this community activity as they once were. Decreased local club and civic group participation has also been the case.
Firm commitments from the community are needed in order for this season inspiring tradition to continue. Contact City Hall or any City Aldermen to state your opinion or commitment on this matter. The question of whether the Town of Van Horn keeps the Lighted Christmas Parade will be answered by the next regular meeting on October 30.