The Town of Van Horn City Council met on Tuesday, November 28, with all members present and Mayor Pro Tem Pam Young presiding.
The Town of Van Horn continues to show monthly profits which will continue to increase because of the natural gas consumption of the sand plant. Ms. Malafronte told Council members that the sand plant has used 20,000 MCF (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas in a month. The Town of Van Horn uses approximately 9,000 MCF during the cold months.
Water department employee, Jaime Hudson told Council that the golf course continues to use recycled, chemically treated water that is tested weekly and receives good results. The new water tank design is 75% completed and will be financed by the USDA loan/grant program.
Hudson told Council that the Thrift Water Well went down on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. As of press time, the Thrift Well remains out of service. Motor parts have been shipped off for repairs.
Shortly after the Thrift Well went down, the North Water Well at the airport also went down due to a burned out breaker. City crews were able to retrieve the breaker from the South Well, which remains out of service, for the North Well to resume water service.
Council asked Hudson to get quotes from ESS for further water well electrical repairs and damage control. Special thanks for their hard work were given to Hudson, Edward Torres, and their crews by Council members.
Council approved payment of $100,000 for October bills which was much lower than September bills.
Resolution NO. 17-11-013 was approved to nominate Ms. Malafronte as 2018 Appraisal District Director representing the Town of Van Horn.
Resolution NO.17-11-012 was approved for application for loan/grant with the USDA for Town of Van Horn water projects. Loans under this application are subject to up to 55% forgiveness rates.
Resolution NO. 17-11-013 was approved for review/approval with TXDOT for a temporary closure of Broadway Street on December 9, 2017 for the Lighted Christmas Parade.
After lengthy discussion about banking procedures, Council approved Resolution NO. 17-11-04, a directive to Pecos County State Bank to allow the City Finance Director banking privileges for the business of the Town of Van Horn.
Ms. Malafronte told Council that the Council of Government grants for water well generators will be decided in February, 2018. Mayor Pro Tem Pam Young asked about the Convention Center generator which had been promised by El Paso Electric and was told that the generator was being built.
Participants of the Trans Pecos Big Buck Tournament have seen fewer bucks due to the warm weather. There are 68 mule deer buck entries, 12 javelina entries, and raffle tickets sold for a chance to win an aoudad hunt, (2 ½ days, 2 guns, for 2 aoudad), have generated $7,075 thus far.