By Becky Brewster

The Culberson County-Allamoore ISD Board of Trustees met in Regular Session on April 30. Supt. Ken Baugh introduced a Chapter 313 Value Limitation Application prepared by Targa Delaware LLC (Targa) for the construction of a gas production plant in the north part of Culberson County. If approved, Targa has funds in hand and is ready to start the one-year construction project. Baugh indicated that Targa is also planning to submit an application for a second plant. The estimated value of each plant is $110 million. The application requests a limitation on the taxable value of the project for a certain amount of time in exchange for the construction and creation of new jobs in the district. The Value Limitation Agreement would apply only to the Maintenance and Operating fund; the sites would be fully taxable for the Interest and Sinking (I&S) levy collected to pay the bonds for the new K-12 Campus. Baugh announced that legal counsel will be present at the next meeting to guide the district through the process. In the meantime, the Value Limitation proposal for the solar plants is still in the works.

The Trustees also received an update on the K-12 Campus construction project from HB Construction Project Manager Manuel Quinones. The cinder block wall for the competition gym is completed and is underway at the auxiliary gym. The steel erection on two areas is complete, and work on the metal decks has begun. Concrete will start being poured this week. The Board agreed to use some of the interest on the bond money to replace the air intake units in the auxiliary gym with an HVAC system.
Supt. Baugh also reported that CCAISD is working with Odessa College to offer a 5-course Robotics program in the high school which will provide the students an opportunity to graduate with a Level 1 Certificate in robotics as well as dual credit hours. The District still plans for the students to participate in the robotics competitions as they do now, but this program will take them much further towards job readiness.
In other business, the CCAISD Board members:
Approved Consent Agenda Items.
•Conducted a Closed Session for personnel matters.
•Approved 2018-2019 teacher contracts and resignations as recommended.
•Approved a resolution for the naming of the new gym and the band hall.
•Approved the auditor contract with Smith & Rives with a decrease in fees from $44,000 to $28,000.
•Approved the sale of two lots as presented by the Appraisal District and removed one proposal from consideration.
•Heard an update from the Athletic Director Brock Tyrrell.
•Learned that the Sports Banquet is slated for May 3, the prom is scheduled for May 5, and the Awards of Excellence Banquet will be held May 21.