Applications to be taken for 7 new EDC members
By Lisa Morton
A regular meeting of the Van Horn City Council was held last Friday. Members present: Mayor Pam Young, City Secretary Fran Malafronte and councilmen Lyndon McDonald, Rudy Hinojos, and Nuny Morriss. Members absent: Ryan Martinez and Michael Garibay.
Before a lengthy Departmental Operations presentation, council approved the minutes from two previous meetings, the Financial Report and Payment of Current Bills.
Edward Torres presented information regarding renovations on the City Pool area, which is currently being plumbed. Work is on schedule for mid-May completion.
Torres included information regarding TCEQ non-compliance of the municipal golf course effective April 1, after 28 years without an inspection. A letter is to be sent the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regarding the ponds being closed-out. The council discussed a resolution that included the cost of a new small water well. Golf Course Manager Raul Rodriguez stated the fairways and tee boxes should stay green for about 2 weeks without water. City Manager Fran Malafronte stated she will look to the County for assistance in resolving the costs of drilling a water well at the golf course.
Update was given on the new city water tank by Torres and Jaime Hudson with the information needed to install the chlorine injection line.
In other business of the council:
Approved 2018-2019 Budget Amendments
Conducted F/Y 2019-2020 Budget Hearing and approved the F/Y Budget for 2019-2020 at $5,013,000.
Approved 3 ordinances scheduled
Approved Public Utility Commission access lines rates
Approved resolution for El Paso Electric Refund Tariff
Approved landfill fencing and bailer purchase
Approved and directed County Attorney Steve Mitchell to review Right of Condemnation regarding relocation of gas line to new roadside park construction with TxDOT east of Van Horn.
Approved soliciting for applications to reorganize the Economic Development Corporation Board comprising of 7 members.
Grant Programs and update was given by Malafronte