By Becky Brewster
The Culberson County Hospital District (CCHD), met in Regular Session on Monday, July 15, 2019. The Board reviewed the preliminary plans for the façade/parking lot project with the architect, Kathy Potts of Rees Associates, and approved the design with a few minor changes. The final plans are scheduled to be ready on August 5, 2019 with a bid opening date of August 29, 2019. The Board also approved additional funds for a topographical survey to be conducted by the civil engineers.
Judy Blazek, Project Manager, presented a summary of acquisitions by the District and Preferred Hospital Management based on the 2013 Capital Improvements Plan. The Board then reviewed the draft of the 2019-2023 Capital Improvements Plan which totals approximately $2,000,000. Facilities improvements that are being considered for this period include:
Construction of the clinic/hospital façade and parking lot (In progress)
Construction of an ambulance garage
Construction of a helipad
Fencing and landscaping
Additional parking.
Furniture/Fixtures/Equipment (FF&E) items being incorporated into the plan include:
Additional software/hardware
Patio furniture
ER Waiting Room furniture
Security items
Various other equipment
Rick Gray, Hospital Administrator, reported that Hugo Chavarria has come on board as the new EMS Director. He also reported on various maintenance items and acquisitions.
In other business, the CCHD:
Approved the consent agenda.
Rejected a tax resale bid.
Approved court-ordered refunds on property taxes.