Avid golfers in Van Horn who have been going through golf “withdrawals’ will be able to play again beginning this Saturday. City Council voted unanimously to re-open the local Golf Course, but not without certain restrictions to ensure the health and safety of the public. The restrictions will be available on the City website and other social media website. For now, Council agreed that the course would initially be open to members only, carts would be available but only with one golfer per cart, and no use of the driving range given, the Governor’s requirement that all golf balls be sanitized after each use at a driving range.
The Council also formally reviewed and adopted the Governor’s new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) guidelines, GA-18, which calls for a “soft” re-opening of certain businesses in the state with certain restrictions. City Attorney Steve Mitchell told Council that in reality, the Governor’s executive order did not need to be adopted since the Governor has in effect removed authority from local officials such as the County Judge and Mayor/City Council. However, as a formality, Council voted to adopt GA-18 executive rules.
Council also voted to:
*Approve and upgrade a maintenance contract with Windstream for the City’s phone system.
*Approve a contract with FXSA and Frank Spencer Engineers for the new TxCDBG Grant for new residential water meters.
*Approve the purchase of sanitizer for city staff to sanitize trucks, buildings and other city property.