City adopts FY 2021-2022 Budget

By Lisa Morton

The Van Horn City Council held a Special meeting last Tuesday evening to “hammer out” some final details before adopting the FY 2021-2022 budget. Utilities Director Edward Torres requested the City join the upcoming auction announced at CCAISD set for June 5th. Torres was directed to create a list of surplus items and bring it to council to declare eligible for auction.

A Public Hearing was held on the FY 2021-2022 Budget, with Alderman McDonald inquiring about using the Street Fund proposed at $47,000 for street repairs, to hire a designated employee for that purpose. That would leave the amount of $350,179 that is funded through a ½ of 1% sales tax, for materials and supplies for badly-needed street repairs, specifically mentioning Bell Street and the Elm Street crossing. Finance Director Jodi Corrales elaborated on the fund items and taxes used for street repair and maintenance, and where the money comes from.

Following Executive Session, council approved:

Adoption of Ordinance No. 21-03-418 to amend Town of Van Horn Fee Schedule effective April 1, 2021.

Adoption of Ordinance No. 21-03-419 for Town of Van Horn Compensation for Mayor and Alderman effective following the May 1, 2021 General Election with no change.

Adoption of Ordinance No. 21-03-420 Town of Van Horn FY 20201-2022 final budget in the amount of $4,703,000.00 effective April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 with a notation from Alderman Morris on the accounting work done by Corrales and Malafronte.

Council reviewed options for an internet provider for the Library financed at 90% by an Erate grant, and 10% by city funds. Current provider, Delcom, submitted their bid for $44,100, but because of their late submission, was disqualified. Windstream Kinetic Internet submitted a 36- month proposal for service at $18,116.28, which council approved with a stipulation that urged Erate administrators upgrade to fiber optic service. Alderman Michael Garibay abstained from the vote since he is employed by Windstream.

In other action items:

Approved Financial Report as submitted.

Approved payment of current bills as presented.

Approved keeping the Public Utilities 2021 Consumer Price Index the same.

Adoption of Resolution No. 21-03-004 designating an engineering service provider, Frank Spencer and Associates, for the 2021 Downtown Revitalization Fun/Main Street Grant Application and Project Implementation administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Approved lease agreement provided by County Clerk, Linda McDonald, for use of the County’s election equipment for the City General/Special Election on May 1, 2021.


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