City approves two new positions in short open session

The Van Horn City Council met in regular session last Monday and after approving some routine ordinances to amend the Town of Van Horn fee schedule effective April 1st, and the compensation for mayor and aldermen effective following the May 7th election. Council then unanimously approved the creation of two new positions for the City. The first was for a position of Parks and Recreation Coordinator, who will be over the City Pool, Mountain View Golf Course, and the city parks. The second is a part-time position for a marketing director for the Convention Center Visitors’ Bureau

Golfers will get another day to enjoy playing during Daylight Savings Time with Council adding Wednesdays to the previous hours of operation. Effective immediately, the golf course will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. An agenda item to create a policy for rental and operation of the golf course club house after hours was tabled until a policy could be researched and written for adoption.

The VHEDC advised Council that TESLA had expressed an interest in installing electric car chargers at the Convention Center and Visitor’s Bureau and Council agreed to allow the EDC to notify TESLA of their interest and pursue the installation.

Council then went into executive session for an extended period of time with no action taken after returning to open session.


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