Corrales, Garibay and Morris sworn in

By Gilda Morales

Mayor-elect Duane Corrales and the two incumbent councilmen were sworn in by outgoing mayor, Becky Brewster last Monday night in front of a local crowd of family and friends. Council designations were approved, mostly remaining the same with the exception of councilman Michael Garibay designated the new Mayor Pro tem.

Council passed a resolution to designate Bank signatories to include the mayor, one councilman and the city administrator and added the chief financial officer. The lone nay vote against adding the chief financial officer came from Councilman McDonald.

Missy Virdell requested $1500 for funding the Boys’ Summer Basketball League, with Council unanimously voting to approve her request. Another unanimous vote served to approve a contract with WesTex Connect for commercial fiber internet service to the utility building.

After a short executive session, Council voted unanimously on two agenda items dealing with the dispute with Hudspeth County over the shared water system. On the first item, Council voted to authorize the Town’s attorneys, Henry Paoli and Steve Mitchell, to sign the revised Rule 11 agreement between the Town of Van Horn and Hudspeth County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 in the lawsuit identified by Cause No. 2020 DCV3703, and to exchange the signed agreement with the District’s attorney if and when the District confirms that the District’s board has approved the revised Rule 11 agreement.

On the second agenda item dealing with the Hudspeth County dispute, Council voted to authorize the Town’s attorneys, Henry Paoli, and Steve Mitchell, to send notice to Hudspeth County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 that the Town’s notice on maintenance activities and electricity costs that was sent on May 10, 2022, is withdrawn if and when the District sends the signed revised Rule 11 agreement signed on behalf of the District by June 1, 2022.

Council Garibay’s request that the Van Horn Economic Development Corporation provide Council with monthly financial reports, agendas and minutes, as well as have their agendas posted on the City’s EDC website and to record the EDC meetings for posting on their Facebook page the following day, passed unanimously.

In other business, Council:

Tabled a request from Joe Solis to approve a contract with EPT Contracting for repairs to the Golf Course clubhouse since there were more repairs that needed to be added to the contract.

Tabled discussion with Joy Scott, master gardener, on landscaping at City Hall until the next regular Council meeting.

Approved an agreement letter with Bharat Bhakta regarding water/sewer risk for new hotel construction.


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