We would like to remind our readers, our advertisers and the public at large that there is a reason for the Tuesday close of business deadline.
It is not an arbitrary deadline. Our newspaper has to be fully laid out to send electronically to our printer by early Wednesday afternoon. Our printer will not give us a later deadline because of the amount of time it takes to print the paper and deliver it to us at around 3 or 4 a.m. on Thursday mornings.
As we have said in the past, if we have a space available in the classifieds, we will gladly accept your ad. However, it's a different story on the other pages. By Wednesday morning, about 80 percent of the newspaper has already been laid out, with only a few changes that are made to fine tune the final product. If someone wants to place a display ad on Wednesday, chances are likely that it won't happen. Sometimes, as was the case this week, we had one available spot for two display ads. We had to make a decision as to which one of the two display ads would be included, and it was a coin toss. Space was extremely limited this week because of the numerous thank you ads from candidates and from other new larger display ads.
We will always make every attempt to accommodate everyone's ad or news story, provided it is given to us by the Tuesday at 5 p.m. deadline.
We hope you will understand.