The Town of Van Horn city council on Tuesday selected Source Environmental Sciences, Inc., a Houston-based firm, for the municipal solid waste permit process for reopening the landfill at a cost of $19,600.
The council rejected a bid in the amount of $94,700 from Parkhill Smith & Cooper, an engineering firm with offices in several West Texas cities. Parkhill representatives had previously made presentations at council meetings about helping the city maneuver the permit process through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
After a short discussion, council members decided to go with the lower bid from Source Environmental, not solely based upon the dollar amount, but also because the firm has established a solid reputation for quality work with the Town of Van Horn, said Dion Corralez, Utility Manager.
According to City Administrator Fran Malafronte, the city will hire Source Environmental as the general contractor, and the city will pay for the firm’s subcontractor work. If Parkhill had been hired, it would have served as general contractor and the firm would have hired and paid for subcontracting work.
In other action, the council approved a repair in the amount of $26,815 for the South Airport Well, otherwise known as the Sierra Blanca Well. Mr. Corralez said that several bolts had cracked at the bottom of the water well that could be attributed to corrosion. As with most other expenses related to providing water to Sierra Blanca, this expense will be recuperated after the city files the audit paperwork.
Council members also took action on the following agenda items:
•Approved a request from Alderman Domingo Corralez to replace a 100-watt lamp along La Caverna with 400-watt street lamp bulbs
•Renewed contract with Lamar Advertising for two billboards in Pecos and Ward Counties, one for $415 per month and the other one for $400 per month
•Approved a music license to promote a Day Tripper video that features Van Horn prominently at a cost of $2,500. Alderman Rudy Hinojos voted against.
•Approved a quote from CQC in the amount of $4,400 for soil conditions proposed the proposed site of the expansion and renovation of the Van Horn Convention Center
•Tabled item from Allan Rodney Tilley to purchase 20 acres in Guadalupe Estates for $2,000
•Tabled item from Robert and or Sarah Tilley to purchase 10 acres in Guadalupe Estates for $1,500
•Rejected item from Jason B. Tilley to purchase 70 acres (BLK 82, SEC 20 PSL UNIT SWSS) for $1,500
•Rejected item from Jason B. Tilley to purchase 40 acres (BLK 82, SEC 20 PSL UNIT 216 PAR 5-6, 11-12 SWSS) for $1,500
•Rejected bid from Jason B. Tilley to purchase 80 acres in Guadalupe Estates for $1,000
•Rejected bid Jason B. Tilley to purchase 80 acres (BLK 95, N2 SE4, SEC 30 PSL, CULBERSON COUNTY) for $1,250
•Approved equipment lease for municipal court software from Marlin Leasing for 36 months for $374.33 per month