By Edna Clark
The Town of Van Horn City Council met on Tuesday, September 13, with all members present. City Secretary, Fran Malafronte, made Council aware that good progress has been made on repairing the North Water Well. More damage was found to the well causing additional costs to the repair.
Three children appeared before Council and offered their apologies for their theft of money and candy from the City Swimming Pool during the summer. These apologies were made as a result of punishment for their crime along with reimbursement for the thefts and community service.
Council approved a request from Mountain View Golf Course Manager, Raul Rodriguez, to close the golf course from September 19 – 25, 2016 for aerating and sanding the putting greens.
Further discussion on the contracted billboard near the Hampton Inn with Brune and Burnett Enterprises ensued. Council approved payment of $250 to be joined with previous payment of $2250 for an annual payment of $2500 for the billboard. City Attorney, Steve Mitchell, was asked to write a letter of clarification to Brune & Burnett explaining the payments being made. This contract is for five years at $2500 per year. Ms. Malafronte was asked to update the billboard making sure that the Town’s hotels/motels are advertised.
Ms. Malafronte advised Council that the new fire truck and equipment have been ordered and will be received pending USDA final grant clarification. She requested that all Council members be at the reception given for the USDA on September 21 at 10:00 a.m. at the Convention Center.
Alderman Lyndon McDonald told Council that he had received a citizen request for sidewalks and curbs on W. 9th Street due to street flooding from heavy rains.
Alderman Rudy Hinojos requested city cleanup of the area around the former Pueblo Express building. Hinojos also requested street repair on Travis Street due to damage from recent heavy rains and run off water. Ms. Malafronte stated that she would check out the situation and order necessary repairs as soon as the rains let up.
Alderman Nuny Morriss requested city cleanup of The Castle in front of the Culberson County Courthouse.
Mayor Glenn Humphries voiced concerns about the condition of the Dog Pound and fencing surrounding the building. Ms. Malafronte advised him that repairs were budgeted and repairs would happen as soon as the rains let up for city employees to get the work done.