By Edna Clark
The Town of Van Horn City Council met on Tuesday, October 11th, with all members present. City Supervisor, Dion Corrales, updated Council on city operations. Recent lightning strikes cause minimal damage to city operations; however, a portion of Van Horn was without power due to a blown electrical transformer that was struck by lightning. The gas company is preparing for an upcoming audit. Mr. Corrales made Council aware of a new concrete company that will be formed in a desert area located south of the Hampton. City utilities will be needed for the business, and Corrales is preparing the costs for extended service to the site.
City workers are repairing street potholes as issues are reported by employees and citizens. Corrales expressed appreciation to Union Pacific Railroad for the company’s assistance with property beside the railroad tracks.
Alderman Rudy Hinojos asked Corrales about citizens’ concerns about bad tasting water last Friday. Mr. Corrales confirmed the complaints, the source of the water, and correction of the issues. A water well had been repaired, and water was being directed into the desert to properly flush the system. Reassurances were given the citizens that the water was safe to drink; however, a different well is being used pending a complete flushing of the former well and line.
Council approved Ordinance # NO. 15-09-007R and appointed Alderman Hinojos to the Culberson County Appraisal District to finish out the term of former member, Robert Morales.
City Secretary, Fran Malafronte, made Council aware of citizen complaints and presented Council a map of the area south and east of the Pilot Travel. Citizens living east of the Pilot Travel Center on E. Fire Bush Street are many times unable to get to their homes because access is blocked by 18-wheelers on the street. The City is reviewing several plans to help alleviate this long standing problem.
Mr. Corrales also asked Council to consider allowing the CCAISD Robotics Club use of the Gas Company building on Bell Street once construction on the new school begins.
Alderman Lyndon McDonald asked for City Attorney Steve Mitchell to ask Convention Center contractors/architects to close up the west side garage door areas and move the door back onto the south side of the building. Mitchell, who had not drafted a letter to the contractors/architects as instructed on September 27th, was asked to include the moving of the garage door, as well as all other repairs, in his letter.
Ms. Malafronte advised Council that City hours will remain from 7AM – 4PM. Ordinarily, winter hours would have begun in November when the time change occurs. Unless City employees disagree, the Town of Van Horn will merge with Culberson County for the annual Christmas party.