By Becky Brewster
The Culberson County Hospital District met in Regular Session on May 13, 2020. Hospital Administrator Rick Gray briefed the Board on the Culberson Hospital’s response to the COVID-19, noting that they are still tracking and monitoring visitors at the entrance to the facility. He noted that fifteen COVID-19 tests had been administered thus far with none being positive. He also reported that the National Guard administered approximately 20 additional tests, with none being reported as positive.
Judy Blazek, Project Manager, and Kathy Potts, Architect from Rees and Associates, updated the Board on the status of the parking lot/façade improvements project. The Board approved an Additional Services Proposal from Rees and Associates for additional services for the helipad and additional lighting to include additional architectural, electrical and structural design for $28,300.00. While the design is underway, the District will notify the FAA of its intent to renovate the helipad. The goal is to incorporate the paving of the helipad into the parking lot paving project. However, the helipad construction timeline will be at the mercy of the FAA approval process. Blazek noted the project had slowed down while awaiting clarification regarding the elevations for drainage of the parking lot. Once this is addressed, the grading will resume.
In other business, the Culberson County Hospital District:
- Approved the consent agenda.
- Contracted Knapp and Company to audit FY 2019-2020.
- Approved project change orders.