By Gilda Morales
In a rare split vote, three members of the Van Horn City Council voted against a request from Joe Solis to cut the already limited hours that the local golf course is open. Stating that “it’s just too hot,” Mr. Solis recommended that the hours of operation should be further limited and that the course should close at 6:00 p.m. Currently, the course is open Thursday through Sunday from noon to 9:00 p.m, but according to Mr. Solis, since the busiest day is Thursday, it should be the only day that the course stays open late.
Councilman McDonald quickly made the motion to approve Mr. Solis’ request, which was seconded by Councilman Morriss. Councilman Mendoza voiced his concern about the importance of having consistent hours of operation. Councilman Corrales added that closing at 6:00 would prevent golfers that would like to play after work from doing so. He also brought up the point that golfers who paid a membership fee, did so with the understanding that the course would be open six days per week from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. or sunset. The motion to change the hours ultimately failed, with Aldermen Corrales, Garibay, and Mendoza voting against the motion to change the hours, and Aldermen McDonald and Morriss voting for the request.
Councilmen then approved a request from Cindy Ornelas to close the alley on lots 1 through 4, Block B, Santa Cruz subdivision, Ordinance No. 21-06-423, and to approve a maintenance contract with Windstream for $495.09 per year, to maintain the Avaya phones. They also approved a quote from ZAP’D, I.T. for cameras at the swimming pool, as well as approving a quote from DelCom to increase the internet speed at City Hall from 5MBPs to 50MBPs upon the recommendation from David Rivera, I.T. consultant.
Jaime Hudson, water operator, provided a lengthy report on the water connection count. Based on his count, Hudson recommended that Council take a proactive approach to the current infrastructure problems, while following TCEQ guidelines. Council agreed and asked that Hudson send a copy of his findings to the current city engineering firm of Brock and Bustillos, so that they would have a more realistic point of reference when working on the city’s infrastructure problems.
In other action, Council voted to:
Accept the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report and give authorization to publish, post and deliver the report by July 1, 2021
Renew employee health insurance with TML for the next fiscal year
Approve a quote from Windstream for internet service at the pool