By Lisa Morton
The Town of Van Horn recently passed Ordinance 23-03-440, amending utility fee schedules effective May 1, 2023, which came under fire at their regular meeting last Monday. Attorney Stephen H. Nickey was in attendance representing some local RV park owners/managers. Nickey asked the council to reconsider the revised fee schedule applicable to recreational vehicle parks on behalf of his clients. Although the new fees were to take effect on May 1st, local RV parks were seeing their April bills affected going from $1,000 to $3,500 and $1,800 to $5,000 for the month.
Nickey stated that he believed that the amended ordinance is in violation of the Texas Water Code and is discriminatory under case law and contains confusing occupancy form requirements. Nickey stated that the only other municipality in the state with a similar fee for RV parks was Monahans with a more reasonable rate of $10/unit versus the $55-60 per unit his clients were being billed.
Mayor Duane Corrales told Mr. Nickey the council would review the ordinance and the legal relevance and place the item on the agenda for the next meeting at the end of May.
In other business:
Approved minutes of the May 12, 2023 meeting as presented.
Tabled consideration from Bill Story to amend fee schedule applicable to commercial/residential apartments in his absence.
Awarded bid for Waste Treatment Plant extension, pond liner to Blue Water Energy Service, LLC as the sole bidder in the amount of $123,022.
Awarded bid for water line bore under UPRR crossing on Elm Street to R&A Road Boring, LLC in the amount of $333,620.
Heard Administrative report from Mark Cabezuela on city operations.