Q&A: Meet the candidates for Culberson County Judge

Every two years, voters across the nation, state and locally go to the polls to make their selections of those candidates to lead and represent them for an ensuing period of time. These General Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November on even-numbered years, and that means there will be a General Election here on November 6. Early voting begins on Monday, October 22.

Local voters will be making their choices for candidates to represent them at the national, state and local levels. A sample general election ballot will be published an upcoming issue.

Locally voters will be called upon to elect a County Judge, the only race that will be contested at the county level. Incumbent County Judge Carlos Urias faces a challenge from write-in candidate Crystal Gonzales for the Judgeship.

The county judge serves (4-year term) as CEO of the county and is involved in nearly all aspects of county government. Essential responsibilities for the judge include planning the county’s budget and presiding over the elected county commissioners court. Candidates were asked to submit responses by email.

The candidates

Carlos Urias

Carlos Urias (Incumbent)
Carlos Urias (Incumbent)

I am qualified for this position for various reasons. The course work I took at Sul Ross State University in Political Science, had an emphasis in Pre-Law. This has helped me throughout my tenure as Culberson County Judge. Researching law and various cases is a daunting task at times but necessary as a seated Judge.

The volunteer work in various committees I’ve served-in expands to well over thirty years of service to the community. Working alongside other board/committee members is not only very rewarding but also requires the ability to accomplish projects despite the negative mind-sets we all encounter from time to time. Serving as a library board member for six years and being elected to the local school board for over ten years was not only educational but very gratifying.

The eight years of experience as your County Judge has garnered me a wealth of experience that’s invaluable. Attending classes through Texas Tech University School of Law and Texas Association of Counties is vital to fulfill my Judicial responsibilities and also garners me the necessary education hours needed as a Judge. Every year gained as a Judge provides me the necessary experience needed to help those I represent and to apply the law equally across the board. Blessings to all……..FFF.


Crystal Gonzales

Crystal Gonzales (Write-in)
Crystal Gonzales (Write-in)

Greetings Culberson County Residents,

I am Crystal D. Gonzales, this year’s write-in candidate for Culberson County Judge. I am 27 years old and I am proud to say that I have learned and accomplished many things throughout my personal life and the workforce. I am a Sul Ross Alumni from the Class of 2013, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science. My curriculum, of course, consisted of endless Math and Science classes and some elected Business classes.

In 2014, I was hired to work for Culberson County as the Assistant Auditor. My responsibilities include budget management, countywide purchases (all expenses), maintaining our purchase order system, and oversee county assets. In addition to county business, I also manage the Culberson/Hudspeth Juvenile Probation Grant which includes all revenue and expenses for the department as well as the required state reporting. Our office undergoes yearly audits from outside auditors for both County and Juvenile Probation funds. These audits involve extensive revisions of our accounting system in comparison to our paper and bank files. In the Auditor’s office, I have had the privilege to work with departments’ countywide in a professional and personal level. The Auditor’s office is greatly involved in every county situation and I can comfortably say that this office has prepared me with personnel and business knowledge at the county level.

Aside from normal job duties some of my accomplishments as a County employee includes the formulation of our charity program, transparency reporting and improvements done to our County/City Park. I have been hands on these projects and really enjoyed putting them together and seeing them fully functional. One of the questions asked is “why do you think you are the best person for the job?” I believe I am the best candidate for the position because win or lose I am here to better serve our employees/coworkers and our citizens. I enjoy helping where help is needed and/or finding solutions that will benefit everyone keeping in mind the satisfaction of our community. Thank you all for your time and consideration! I respectfully ask for your vote! Your support and opinions are greatly appreciated!


Crystal D. Gonzales


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