By Becky Brewster
Van Horn will be host to the United States Air Force (USAF) Concert Band and Singing Sergeants this Saturday, October 20, at 7:00 p.m. at the Karen D. Young Memorial Auditorium located at 801 Houston Street. FREE tickets are available at Doors will open 30 minutes before the concert to seat those with tickets. Those without tickets will be admitted 15 minutes before the concert on a space available basis.
Van Horn will be the fifth stop on a 12-day community relations tour to Texas and New Mexico honoring our veterans. In addition to the performance, members of USAF Concert Band and Singing Sergeants will also be mentoring students through the Advancing Innovation through Music (AIM) educational outreach program. CCAISD, hosts of the event, will have three of the local Van Horn High School band members perform with the Band, and one of the students will be operating the lights for the performance.
“The USAF Concert Band and Singing Sergeants are two of the six performing ensembles within The United States Air Force Band, the premier musical organization of the U.S. Air Force. Stationed at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C., The U.S. Air Force Band honors those who have served, inspires American citizens to heightened patriotism and service, and positively impacts the global community on behalf of the U.S. Air Force and the United States of America.”
Colonel Larry H. Lang, originally from El Paso, Texas, is the Commander and Conductor of the USAF Band in Washington, D.C. This tour will be the culmination of a distinguished 29-year career as an Air Force bandleader, bringing him back to his roots for this final tour.
Everyone is invited to join this tribute to our veterans and our country.