New order requires mask wearing in all county buildings

By Becky Brewster

Culberson County Commissioners met in special session on March 15, 2021 to consider the Governor’s Executive Order GA 34 which effectively “reopens” Texas beginning March 10, 2021. The provides that, in all counties not in an area with high hospitalizations:

  • there are no COVID-19-related operating limits for any business or other establishment; and
  • individuals are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household, but no person may be required by any jurisdiction to wear or to mandate the wearing of a face covering.

The Court adopted the Executive Order related to the reopening of Texas. Then they proceeded to adopt a local order on face coverings requiring that employees and the members of the public wear face masks in county facilities. Elected officials and managers will then be able to determine the requirement of face masks within their individual offices.

The Commissioners also adopted the updated County Employee Handbook and heard reports on various county projects.


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