By Becky Brewster
Culberson County Commissioners met in special session on September 27, 2021. The Court held public hearings on the 2021-2022 proposed budget and on the 2021 tax rate. After no comments, the Court unanimously adopted the FY 2021-2022 budget as presented. Then they unanimously adopted the 2021 tax rate at $.162707. The Court agreed to accept this rate without going through the process to increase the rate by the 3.5% allowed by the tax code. With this rate, $.139293 will go to the general fund, $.011637 to Farm-to-Market Roads and Flood Control and $.011777 to the Special Road and Bridge fund. Commissioners then approved the discounts for early payment of taxes as follows: October 3%; November 2%, December 1%.
The Court then reinstated Refugio Corrales as the County Rabies Control Officer at a salary of $2400/year.
The Commissioners discussed the feasibility of approving the option of online training for Commissioners as allowed by SB230. It was noted that currently, no such online classes are available even though the law has been amended to allow virtual training. The Court approved the online training option to poise themselves for future availability of such classes. Judge Urias reported that this option does not apply to County Judges who will still be required to attend in person.
The Court approved the TAC County Information Resources Agency Services Agreement for email services at an annual cost of $3550.00/year plus $4.90/month for each email address.
The Court also approved a Far West Texas Regional Public Defender’s Office Interlocal Agreement between Culberson County and Jeff Davis County.
In other County business, the Court also:
Received the Agrilife Extension Office report.
Appointed Judges and Alternate Judges for the November 2021 election.
Approved two Utility Permits to cross Carlsbad Road.
Approved monthly reports.
Approved monthly expenses and payroll.
Heard reports on various county projects.